Ask A Stoner ~ Best Holiday Stoner Movies

Dear CineBud,
Buckle up! I've got a list of cinematic gems that will undoubtedly elevate your holidays.
It’s epic, it’s classic, it's nostalgic, it’s everything you want to vibe out over the holidays. Classic 90s movie featuring a rivalry between Arnold Schwarzeneger and Sinbad who are both just dads trying to get their son a Turboman for Christmas.
Imagine watching young Kevin McCallister outsmarting burglars while you're on cloud nine. It adds a whole new dimension to this holiday classic.
For even more wholesome vibes, embark on a magical journey to the North Pole with Tom Hanks. The animation and heartwarming story make it an excellent choice for a cozy, elevated night in and the bud keeps it trippy.
The Dog Who Saved Christmas (2009)
Take Home Alone, but replace Kevin McAllister with a yellow labrador named Zeus. This is a lower budget made for TV movie, but if you smoked enough, it could be one of the best movies of all time.

Here’s a few more that are AMAZING for any occasion after a few joints:
Pop on this Stanley Kubrick classic about space, evolution, and trippy, dimensional rifts. Trust me, you and your bestie will be smacked silent, in absolute awe, for the next three hours. Even if you watched it before, I swear this movie hits different after all the AI news this year.
Looking for a cinematic masterpiece that’s more chill and won’t cause existential angst? Every frame from this French classic feels like art.
The World's Most Extraordinary Homes (2017)
Netflix’s The World’s Most Extraordinary Homes is somehow totally calming and exciting. The combo of charming hosts and insane architecture will keep your attention for hours.
Ah, a classic. Planet Earth is always a safe bet. The Snake-Iguana chase in Season 2, Episode 1 will blow your damn mind.
May your holiday season be filled with laughter, good company, and, of course, the finest greens.
Yours truly,
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