Ask a Stoner ~ How to Shop for Cannabis Sustainably

Dear Farm-to-Bong,
Not many people consider their bud to be a part of their ecological footprint but, like almost anything else we grow, producing cannabis can severely impact the environment if it’s not done carefully. Just like you’re opposed to dangerous pesticides on your fruits and veggies, your weed can fall victim to polluting chemicals outdoors and energy-sucking grow lights indoors that are unsustainable to both the planet and the consumer.

While you can show off your support for the cause with our Sackville x Mauvais Garçon Protect Mother Earth tee, there are also a few practical steps you can take to shop for weed more sustainably.
Though commercial cannabis products aren’t yet eligible for USDA certification thanks to its continued federal illegality, the weed world has its own certification for sustainably grown products: the Clean Green Certified program, offering certification to weed farmers who adhere to the USDA National Organic Program standards. There’s also the Sun+Earth Certified program, which includes regenerative farming practices amongst its standards for farmers to achieve certification. Products with these certification logos are sure to achieve some of the highest sustainability standards in the cannabis world.
Besides seeking certification, you can also look for sun-grown weed: bud that is grown outside to avoid the high energetic toll of powerful indoor grow lights. Though indoor weed is colloquially considered to be higher quality, indoor-grown weed is similar to other genetically modified crops, which prioritize the plant’s appearance above all else.

Obviously, the most sustainable way to consume weed of all is to grow your own supply, though that’s not possible for many of us due to constraints in space, climate, and legality. So, whether you’re picking up at the dispensary or texting your plug, do what you can to shop green. Namaste smoking sustainably!
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