Ask A Stoner ~ 420 Halloween Costume Ideas

Hey Dabbie,
Super excited to give you some inspo on this. Judging by your name, you may like being a:
Dabbed-Out Scientist:
Dress as a mad scientist who's experimenting with dabs, complete with lab coat, safety goggles, and beakers filled with cannabis concentrates. 😎
Cheech and Chong
For a classic stoner duo, pair up with a friend and go as Cheech and Chong. It's a timeless choice, and you can find premade costumes on Amazon.
Crystal Ball Fortune Teller:
Become a fortune teller with a Sackville Crystal Ball Pipe filled with some fresh herb, and predict high times in the future.

Cannabis Chef
There’s a ton of weed-themed apron design options out there. Bonus points if you show up with some homemade brownies!

Another Amazon classic, you can find tons of choices ranging from $5 to $150 - these pothead hats can look lowkey fashionable.
Weed Nun:Â
Inspired by the real-life Sisters of the Valley, dress as a weed nun with a habit and cannabis leaf accessories.
Halloween is your moment to showcase your creativity, and what's better than spicing up your costume with that 420 flair? Let your imagination run wild and make them totally your own!
Wishing you a highly enjoyable Halloween!
Your Stoner